Chiropractic Care To Treat Vertigo
Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness or lack of balance. It is usually caused by an inner ear problem but can have various other causes as well, including BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), Meniere’s disease, or an infection that occurs in the inner ear. Vertigo has also been linked to strokes, tumors, migraines, head or neck injuries, and certain medications. While vertigo in and of itself is not incredibly dangerous, a person who is experiencing it may suffer from a poor quality of life as the symptoms can appear without warning and last for extended periods of time.
While many vertigo treatments are available, they all come with their fair share of side effects and risks, and many of them will not completely rid a person of vertigo as they do not target the root cause of it. As mentioned, vertigo is most commonly linked to inner ear problems. The big question is if chiropractic care can help a patient with vertigo. To answer your question, yes. Two primary techniques are involved in aiding the body to heal so that the patient can regain his or her sense of balance.
The primary tool is chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic adjustment allows your nervous system to function at its level best. Your nervous system controls all the information sent to your brain and forth. The spine covers the nervous system. By adjusting it, communication between the brain and the body is enhanced; including the ear, lymph and the immune system. Chiropractic care is particularly useful when vertigo is being caused by an ear infection. The patient in turn, heals faster.
The epley maneuver is another tool used to relieve vertigo. This is a re-positioning technique. This procedure is simple and quick. It is done at a chiropractic office. This procedure is done to enable the ear and its components to return to the state it is supposed to be.
These tools: chiropractic adjustment and the epley maneuver are non-invasive and doesn't involve cutting into the body. They aid the body into recovering on its own.
Vertigo has a number of causes. Some of this causes may be very serious medical conditions. But it is mostly caused by mild issues which are centered on the inner ear. The inner ear is also called the vestibular system and controls your body's balance and your spatial orientation.
Inner ear problem called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is mostly a result of tiny objects moving around your inner ear when you change position. With this movement, you get the spinning feeling, vomiting etc.
Vertigo is normally accompanied by Meniere's disease which is the ringing of ears, hearing loss. You might feel your ear canal is blocked or fluid-filled. The reason for this could be genetic or external environment factors though it has not been proved.
Labrynthitis, ear infection, is another top cause of vertigo. Labrynthitis indicates an inflammation in the inner ear. Vertigo is a symptom of this condition.
If you are suffering from vertigo or anyone you know is, Chiropractor can help you recover, try chiropractic. It could bring you to your best self, enable you to live the life you desire.
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